Privacy Policy

No data is ever shared with any third parties. Only I, the developer, and any developers, contractors, agents, or employees I hire may have access to the data. If you wish for your data to be deleted, send an email to and I shall do so.

Data is retained as follows:

  • Backups of save files and generated schedules are not retained more than one year, unless otherwise requested.
  • I may store account information (i.e. the name, email address, and any meta-data of anyone who logs in to the Visigoth admin interface) for as long as you use the application.
  • Logs concerning the way you interact with Visigoth may be logged for the purposes of improving the application. This includes which pages you visit, how long you spend on each page, and what actions you take on each page.
  • Cookies are only used to store login information and program state (i.e. which option you selected on a particular page).
  • Logging in with Google will allow Visigoth to read your email address, name, and profile picture. This is used to identify you in the Visigoth admin interface. We can only read the specific files you select and permission can be revoked from your Google account settings at any time.
  • For end-users, Visigoth logs accesses to the published schedules and the minimal necessary data. A little more information is saved if they subscribe to push notifications.

As a Singaporean business, we comply with the Personal Data Protection Act.

We do not allow you to save any sensitive student data in our system, especially (but not limited to) educational records and medical data. Doing this may result in your account being terminated.