Referral Bonus

If you enjoyed Visigoth, we encourage you to refer it to your peers and colleagues!
When someone you refer pays for Visigoth for the first time, you will receive a (non-stacking) $500 discount off your next purchase of Visigoth!

This is a pretty attractive offer, so naturally, it comes with rules:

  • A bonus is awarded to you each time that a department that you refer pays for Visigoth for the first time.
  • A bonus is only awarded if the department you refer has not paid for Visigoth before.
  • Bonuses awarded in 2023 are worth $500 off your next purchase of Visigoth. Bonuses awarded in the future may have a different value.
  • A maximum of one bonus may be redeemed per year, and they expire three years from issuance.
  • Bonuses are awarded to the first department that refers a particular department.
  • Bonuses can only be redeemed by your department, and are non-transferrable.
  • These bonuses are only valid as long as I own the business. If I sell, transfer, or close the business, then they can no longer be redeemed.
  • Bonuses have no cash value, and cannot be redeemed for cash.
  • In all disputes about this, I retain the final say.